Inks and Pastels

Carnival King, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Chinese real estate couple, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Toronto Viaducts (Map). Watersheds in the city; studies of female form in landscape Mixed Media, 17 in x14 in

Android hands, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

The eternal resistance, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Somalian and Andean Canadian dancers, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Chinese emperors, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Distance woman , 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

In the heat of a vacation, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Bandwith gurl, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Circus tent 2 with variations, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

The dynasty of peacocks, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Great men are fly, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Julia, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Ogun (god of stone), 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Paris carriage, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Maple hexagonal cages, 2019, Mixed Media, 17in x 14in

Crazy woman at the DROM, 2019, Mixed Media, 24in x 17in

Ecstatic dancing (unfinished study), 2019, Mixed Media, 24in x 17in

The girl in the backseat (Contemporary Gothic of Oshun in Toronto), 2019, Mixed Media, 24in x 17in

Two misogynists fighting, Toronto, 2019, Mixed Media, 24in x 17in